Aviation Treaty

The aviation industry faces unique and complex risks, including accidents, natural disasters, and geopolitical uncertainties. Our Aviation Treaty Reinsurance cover offers a safety net, protecting our partners from catastrophic losses and unforeseen events that could otherwise have a significant financial impact. It enables our insurance partners, whether large-scale airlines or smaller operators, to not only mitigate but also effectively manage the volatility within their aviation portfolios.

Working closely with you, we design solutions that align with your unique needs, offering tailored aviation treaty reinsurance to cover the complex perils inherent in this class of business. We offer cover to a range of aviation operators, from large-scale airlines with transatlantic flights to smaller operators, private jets, helicopters and light aircrafts.

What we do

  • Region-Specific and World-wide cover – protects against global risks or those specific to certain regions.
  • Aviation Major Risks – including airline and products manufacturers etc.
  • General Aviation/Non-Major Risks – including private jets, helicopters, light aircrafts, etc.
  • Retrocession reinsurance – provides additional layers of protection.
  • Hull War and excess third-party war liabilities reinsurance – insures against war-related risks.

What makes us different

  • Deep technical understanding of risk, allowing us to tailor solutions to the unique needs of our clients.
  • Extensive experience in this field, allowing us to understand the challenges and opportunities within the aviation sector.
  • Appetite to lead business and develop long-term partnerships, providing consistent support through market cycle.