Canopius Australia-Pacific Policies


Lloyd’s Australia is a subscriber to the General Insurance Code of Practice in Australia. Canopius Asia Pte Ltd, trading as Canopius Australia & Pacific, is a Lloyd’s Coverholder and has also adopted the General Insurance Code of Practice.

Code of Practice

The Insurance Council of Australia Limited has developed the General Insurance Code of Practice (‘the Code’), which is a voluntary self-regulatory code. The Code aims to raise the standards of practice and service in the insurance industry.
The Insurer(s) have adopted the Code on terms agreed with the Insurance Council of Australia. For further information on the Code please visit
The Code Governance Committee (‘CGC’) is an independent body that monitors and enforces insurers’ compliance with the Code. For more information on the CGC go to

Canopius Australia-Pacific Policies:

Family Violence Policy

Customer Vulnerability Policy

Product Design, Development & Distribution Policy

Financial Hardship Policy

Canopius Australia & Pacific Complaints Policy

Contact Us

Canopius Australia & Pacific
Level 35
60 Margaret Street
NSW 2000
+61 (02) 8537 3502