Inclusion & Diversity

At Canopius we want to foster a distinctive, positive and inclusive culture, allowing us all to flourish and which contributes to building a business which delivers profitable, sustainable results.

It’s important to recognise that within a diverse workforce each person may have a different workplace experience, in part defined by their gender, sexual orientation, age, race, personal beliefs, physical capability, seniority and socio-economic background. The challenges each person faces in their daily lives may be overlooked, unseen or unsupported, meaning employees might be disengaged and not able to fulfil their potential.

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Why is Canopius focusing on
  • Inclusion
  • Diversity

We create a positive working experience

We create a positive working experience

Studies have found that firms with an enhanced company culture have experienced a four-fold increase in revenue.

We have a happier workforce

We have a happier workforce

Happier employees are 12% more productive

We create a distinctive, positive culture

We create a distinctive, positive culture

Highly engaged organisations can achieve 18% higher revenue per employee, compared with the average

We attract the best talent

We attract the best talent

67% of jobseekers consider workplace diversity an important factor when seeking a new employer

We do more profitable, sustainable business

We do more profitable, sustainable business

More diverse executive teams are 35% more likely to experience above-average profitability

Find out what else makes us different

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