Equine Liability: reporting an accident

To provide us with the best possible chance to protect you, it is important that we know about your accident(s) as soon as possible.

At Canopius, we have created Equine Accident Reporting Guidance that sets out which type of injuries and/or circumstances you must report to us. This list is also broken down into a series of FAQs at the bottom of the page.

If an accident has arisen which falls within the scope of our Equine Accident Reporting Guidance, please complete the Accident Report below.

Once submitted, a copy of your completed Accident Report shall be emailed to you, our appointed delegated claims administrator, and us.

If you have not received a copy of your completed Accident Report or are unsure whether an accident should be notified, please contact us at cnpequineliabilityclaims@canopius.com.

Please note that, at present, this service is open to Policyholders domiciled within Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and the Republic of Ireland only.

Accident Report Form

Please complete one Accident Report per Injured or Affected Party.

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 6

*Asterisked questions must be responded to.


*Broker Email*
Your Policy Number can be found on your (latest) Policy Schedule.
If you are reporting an accident which occurred under your Membership of an Association [Master Policy], please state "Association - Your Name (as declared on your Membership Form)]" here [e.g. "British Eventing - Joe Bloggs"]. Otherwise, please state the 'Insured Title' on your (latest) Policy Schedule.
Please state the number of consecutive years you have been trading/operating in this guise (even if your Business Name, for example, has changed). If you have taken a "career break" or your involvement is paused, the clock is re-set.
Select which Memberships/Affiliations you held at the time of the accident. You may select more than one.


  • Amputations
  • Bone fractures or stress fractures
  • Burn injuries (including scalding)
  • Complete loss of sight or deterioration in vision in one or both eyes (permanent impairment or temporary interference)
  • Deafness (total and partial hearing loss), loss of speech (speech deficit) and/or tinnitus
  • Degloving injuries (open or closed)
  • Epicondylitis [inflammation of the elbow joint: medial (golfer’s elbow) or lateral (tennis elbow)]
  • Facial injuries
  • Hair damage leading to any skin condition, tingling or ‘burning’ of the scalp and/or hair loss (bald patches) attributable to the accident
  • Head or brain injuries (including concussion)
  • Joint dislocations
  • Repetitive strain injuries (RSI)
  • Reproductive system injuries
  • Scalping (separation of skin from the head) requiring medical treatment by a registered medical practitioner and/or visit to a medical facility
  • Spinal injuries [from “minor” back injuries (without surgical intervention) to paralysis]
  • Tendons which rupture or tear [whether completely (severance) or partially]
  • Torso injuries which cause damage to internal organs in the chest or abdomen
  • Yes: Work-related stress (including that triggered by bullying, harassment and/or discrimination) or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); and
  • Other recognisable psychiatric or psychological injury

The following illnesses, diseases and medical conditions are also notifiable:

  • Cancer attributable to an occupational exposure to a known human carcinogen or mutagen (including ionising radiation) [e.g. lung cancer and mesothelioma (asbestos-related disease)]
  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome [CRPS], Fibromyalgia Syndrome (Fibromyalgia) [FMS], Chronic Pain Syndrome [CPS], Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome [ME/CFS], Conversion Disorders [Dissociative Disorders], Somatic Symptom Disorders and any other Pain Disorder
  • Disease attributable to an occupational exposure to a biological agent
  • Hypothermia or heat-induced illness
  • Occupational asthma
  • Occupational dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis or any other skin condition
  • Vibration white finger [VWF] and/or hand-arm vibration syndrome [HAVS]
  • Yes: Any person who is referred for medical treatment by a registered medical practitioner and/or visits a medical facility (e.g. a doctor’s surgery, dentist or hospital) as a result of the injury/ies sustained is deemed notifiable
  • This includes any case(s) where a person loses consciousness; and/or requires resuscitation

Yes: Any injury arising out of or in connection with work which results in an Employee (as defined within Your Policy) or contractor being away from work or unable to perform their normal work duties for more than three consecutive days (not counting the day of the accident, but including weekends or other rest days)

    • Yes: Deaths arising out of or in connection with a work-related accident; and
    • Suicides which occur at Your Premises

Injury, illness or disease (fatal or non-fatal) to any Horse(s) [not owned (whether fully or partially) by You] within Your care, custody or control for which there has been intimation of a claim against You and/or where You suspect a claim may arise.


  • Any circumstance which has prompted an investigation under Your safeguarding policy
  • Cases of food poisoning or toxicosis
  • Cases of physical abuse, sexual abuse and/or false imprisonment
  • Loss of taste and/or smell following an accident
  • Any other circumstance where there has been intimation of a claim against You and/or where You suspect a claim may arise

Our full ‘Equine Accident Reporting Guidance’ document can be found below:

Download Equine Accident Reporting Guidance